Grief and Loss

No one should ever have to navigate the grief process alone. In my own experience with loss, joining hands with others helped me to see a path onward. With genuine warmth, empathy, and respect, I can help you navigate those unbearably painful, uncertain, and isolating waves that can threaten to overwhelm during times of loss.

“…the roots of massive redwood trees—towering two hundred feet above ground with trunks more than ten feet in diameter—run only six to twelve feet deep. Instead of growing downward, they grow outward, extending hundreds of feet laterally, wrapping themselves around the roots of their neighbors. When rough weather comes, it is this expansive network of closely intertwined roots that supports the trees’ ability to stand strong as individuals. We are the same.” - Brad Stulberg, The Practice of Groundedness


Click here to search the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization database for a hospice organization in your area. Hospice organizations offer free support groups and counseling to those grieving the loss of loved ones.

GRASP is a national organization of support (Grief Recovery After a Substance Passing). Click here to check out their website. 

The Compassionate Friends is a national website which includes information on support for parents who have lost a child of any age and support for siblings and grandparents, as well. Click here to visit their site.